Thursday, May 16, 2013


Easter Day could not have been a more beautiful day. Since we live in an area where Spring does not exist, rather wont one day and summer the next all the way to June, it was a nice surprise that we woke up to sunshine.

Dad had the day off and joined us at church. You and your brother wore matching button up shirts and black dress pants. Yes, I am that mom that makes her children match, and yes you will probably do the same to your children. its a right of passage kind of thing,  you can blame your Nana, after all she made me wear matching outfits til I was 12 and in Young women's. Dad got a good taste of what our typical sacrament meeting is like. These days there is climbing, crying, snacking, coloring, and not a lot of listening. But hey, we made it there right?!

After church we headed to Grandma Roberts. Believe it or not, the Easter Bunny read our minds and left goodies at the front door for you! You seemed most interested in the card and not so interested in the candy, books, and toys that sweet bunny brought. 

We were really lucky to be joined by your aunt Steffy, Aunt Mana, Uncle David, Cousin Seth, Roomate of cousin Jet, and of course Grandma Roberts. They all watched while you and your brother scavenged the front yard for eggs. By scavenged, I obviously mean that you sat there and we're given an egg or two to drool on and take in and out of your basket. You thought it was awesome.

We spent the remainder of the afternoon making a feast in which you slept entirely through. It was delicious, it's too bad you missed out.

Later, we watched a movie that you got in your basket, while simultaneously destroying grandma's upstairs with fake green grass.

We all stayed up far too late, ate way too much candy, and thoroughly enjoyed the good company. It was a perfect Easter.

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