Friday, March 22, 2013


Up until a month ago I was doing pretty good at keeping your pacifiers hidden during the day. Up until a month ago, you only needed a pacifier to go to sleep. Up until a month ago, I thought weening you off a pacifier at 1 year was going to be cake.

And then you found my stash.

You now want a pacifier at all times, mostly to chew on the side of your mouth. You have even learned to laugh, cry, cough, and even sneeze keeping that bad boy in. You are so advanced.

I think I have it in for myself when it comes to weening time!

1 comment:

  1. the wonderful-dreaded binky. Well after James cried for about 20 minutes and then spent about an hour looking for the piece to fix his binky (we snipped it) He said - I'm three, I don't need a bunny. And we have been fine since then. I know that gives you no hope for a 1 year cut off. Good luck.
