Thursday, May 16, 2013


We headed down to St. George earlier this month so daddy could run a big race, and so that mom could get away and see a show in Vegas. you on the other hand got to hang out with grandma and grandpa for a few days. We left at night after daddy's work. In theory we were leaving right around your bedtime, so it made sense that you would sleep the whole way. Never works out the way you think. You played for an hour, cried for an hour, and slept for an hour. Fortunately the drive back was a breeze. It's like you had done it before and knew what you were getting yourself into. The weather was amazing, and playing outside for hours was needed after a short cold spell at home. It was the first time we had been apart since you were born. Getting away for a night was nice, but even a day longer would have been difficult. nothing could beat seeing your squishy body and round face. You made me feel needed when we reunited because for the remainder of the trip I could not be out of sight without you crying. You even came to the bathroom with me because you seemed really concerned whether I would come back or not.

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