Thursday, May 16, 2013


Every night you seem to grow bigger, more mature. I started to pull out summer clothes, and seeing you fit in 18 month pants that I felt like Gage just grew out of absolutely breaks my heart. I'm not ready for you to grow up.

You spit on command, and you laugh about it, you are very skilled.

You like to take objects to your ear and yell "ya" and when I say objects, I mean absolutely anything you can pick up with one hand, it doesn't even even need to resemble a phone, including forks, bottles, and even the occasional hot wheel 

You are still scared to climbed the stairs it normally requires standing a step ahead of you and egging you on while you scream.

We started transitioning you to table foods. You now eat oatmeal for breakfast, some baby meals and puréed fruit and veggies for lunch and you are pretty good at nibbling on anything we are eating for dinner. You are pretty particular when it comes to the baby meals, the pasta texture doesn't seem to bother you, but you will only eat the spaghetti and beef sauce flavor, you literally hit the spoon when it comes near your face if we even dare any other flavor. You still prefer vegetables over fruit. You only take bottles for bedtime.

You sleep from 8pm-8am and take two naps a day. This month has been hard, you prefer to be laid in bed and every day fight harder and harder when I rock you sleep. I'm not ready to give up you falling asleep in my arms.

You started letting go of couches and tables for just a moment at a time and started standing on your own, however, once you realize you are standing, you immediately sit down.

You have become a dream baby to shop with, I wish you could teach Gage a thing or two about sitting still in the cart.

Bathrooms are off limits. You threw three rolls of toilet paper in the toilets in an hour, all in different bathrooms, and we have been forced to keep the bathroom doors shut ever since.

Busy is an understatement. The mess you can create in 30 seconds is beyond me. We have already started singing the clean up song. You are not catching on like I had hoped.

I love being your momma, and I'm so happy on the rare occasion you need me to give you kisses because you smacked your head against yet another inanimate object. You bring so much joy to this family.

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