Wednesday, July 11, 2012


A month ago today we brought you home from the hospital. As we packed up our belongings and hurried to the elevator the anxiousness passed and the reality began to set in. It was really happening. We were no longer a three, we were a four. There is a strange mixture of fear and joy that comes with driving off from the hospital with your newborn in the vehicle. There's a powerful sense of transition and new beginning, and yet fear as well. It's a fear closely attached to the question, "Do I even remember how to do this anymore?" It's a healthy fear born out of an awareness of the fragility of new life. 

Daddy secured you nice and tight in your car seat, adjusted you three times to ensure optimal comfort, and then checked on you once more before taking off. Your daddy will do this kind of thing most of your life, he is a sucker for his boys. Momma will have to get a picture of your extra plush bed he made up for you, he worries that as a newborn you wont be comfortable unless its extra comfy. Once you are a daddy and your newborn falls asleep in the most ridiculous positions, you will realize how silly your daddy is.

At only two days old we ventured to the park to feed the ducks. Unfortunately you missed out on most of the excitement as you caught up on your beauty rest. The weather was perfect, and Gage was in need of some exercise to get out the jitters that came from having a new baby in his life. It may seem crazy that you we would you haul you around so young, but you make it easy to pick up an go. In fact, the remainder of this month has been spent at the park, the library, a bbq, a parade, a carnival and we have even caught some rays at the water park a few times. 

As sad as it is that a whole month has already passed, I feel as though we enjoyed every second of it!

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