Wednesday, July 11, 2012


On the day you were born, this guy became a big brother. He may have been a little nervous to meet you at first, but from the moment he held you for the first time, he hasn't wanted to let you go.

You are lucky to have such an good big brother, he is already trying to take care of you. Gage has tried sharing, he even puts Hot Wheels cars in your hands when you are sleeping, or runs them over your face to wake you up. Gage loves to feed you, he even took a bottle off the counter when mom was on the phone and attempted to feed you. When I came over to help him get the bottle in your mouth, your whole face was white, covered in formula. Gage loves to console you, when you start to cry, Gage runs to your side and lays his massive head on your tummy. It hasn't worked yet, so instead we are trying to teach him to put your pacifier in your mouth. He misses your mouth most of the time, but he sure loves to try.

Okay, so you have taken a fair share of beatings this last month, but I think the number of kisses and hugs you have gotten from Gage may have made up for some of the abuse. He loves you so so much, and even reads you all of his favorite books. I have a feeling you two will be best friends in no time.

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