Friday, July 27, 2012


I think you were born hungry. You downed an ounce within minutes of being born, and have eaten nearly every three hours ever since. You have been consistently eating 4-5 ounces for weeks now. When we stopped by to visit Dr. Shcmidt for your 2 week appointment, everyone but momma seemed surprised that you were a whopping 10 lbs 7 oz. Now that we are coming up on your 2 month birthday you are nearly 12 lbs. You are our heavy weight.

Believe it or not, momma thinks you are going through a growing spurt. The last few days you can barely make it an hour and half before chewing on your hand in agony, wanting so badly to eat. When we finally get you a bottle you ferociously attack it shaking your head back and forth until the bottle is secure in your mouth. You even pant between gulps as if you are working to get as much as possible with each swallow. The result can be pretty precious. Milk drunk. The point where you are so satisfied you smile in your sleep. 

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