Monday, July 30, 2012



Momma thinks you will be our tough one. You will have to be, with a brother like Gage knocking you around. I suppose its a good thing you are packing on so much weight. You seem to handle the occasional kick as he walks by without looking, the shove off his lap when he is done playing, or the sitting on your belly with such grace. I think its because you know how much he loves you, like when he tells you all about Nemo, or reads you his books. Thank you for loving him too.

Friday, July 27, 2012


I think you were born hungry. You downed an ounce within minutes of being born, and have eaten nearly every three hours ever since. You have been consistently eating 4-5 ounces for weeks now. When we stopped by to visit Dr. Shcmidt for your 2 week appointment, everyone but momma seemed surprised that you were a whopping 10 lbs 7 oz. Now that we are coming up on your 2 month birthday you are nearly 12 lbs. You are our heavy weight.

Believe it or not, momma thinks you are going through a growing spurt. The last few days you can barely make it an hour and half before chewing on your hand in agony, wanting so badly to eat. When we finally get you a bottle you ferociously attack it shaking your head back and forth until the bottle is secure in your mouth. You even pant between gulps as if you are working to get as much as possible with each swallow. The result can be pretty precious. Milk drunk. The point where you are so satisfied you smile in your sleep. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


A month ago today we brought you home from the hospital. As we packed up our belongings and hurried to the elevator the anxiousness passed and the reality began to set in. It was really happening. We were no longer a three, we were a four. There is a strange mixture of fear and joy that comes with driving off from the hospital with your newborn in the vehicle. There's a powerful sense of transition and new beginning, and yet fear as well. It's a fear closely attached to the question, "Do I even remember how to do this anymore?" It's a healthy fear born out of an awareness of the fragility of new life. 

Daddy secured you nice and tight in your car seat, adjusted you three times to ensure optimal comfort, and then checked on you once more before taking off. Your daddy will do this kind of thing most of your life, he is a sucker for his boys. Momma will have to get a picture of your extra plush bed he made up for you, he worries that as a newborn you wont be comfortable unless its extra comfy. Once you are a daddy and your newborn falls asleep in the most ridiculous positions, you will realize how silly your daddy is.

At only two days old we ventured to the park to feed the ducks. Unfortunately you missed out on most of the excitement as you caught up on your beauty rest. The weather was perfect, and Gage was in need of some exercise to get out the jitters that came from having a new baby in his life. It may seem crazy that you we would you haul you around so young, but you make it easy to pick up an go. In fact, the remainder of this month has been spent at the park, the library, a bbq, a parade, a carnival and we have even caught some rays at the water park a few times. 

As sad as it is that a whole month has already passed, I feel as though we enjoyed every second of it!


On the day you were born, this guy became a big brother. He may have been a little nervous to meet you at first, but from the moment he held you for the first time, he hasn't wanted to let you go.

You are lucky to have such an good big brother, he is already trying to take care of you. Gage has tried sharing, he even puts Hot Wheels cars in your hands when you are sleeping, or runs them over your face to wake you up. Gage loves to feed you, he even took a bottle off the counter when mom was on the phone and attempted to feed you. When I came over to help him get the bottle in your mouth, your whole face was white, covered in formula. Gage loves to console you, when you start to cry, Gage runs to your side and lays his massive head on your tummy. It hasn't worked yet, so instead we are trying to teach him to put your pacifier in your mouth. He misses your mouth most of the time, but he sure loves to try.

Okay, so you have taken a fair share of beatings this last month, but I think the number of kisses and hugs you have gotten from Gage may have made up for some of the abuse. He loves you so so much, and even reads you all of his favorite books. I have a feeling you two will be best friends in no time.

Monday, July 9, 2012


One month ago today, you made your fashionably late appearance into this world, and momma couldn't be more excited for your arrival. Holding you for the first time was perfect, it was more than perfect, I had been anxiously waiting for this moment for what seemed like forever. Doctors told me for weeks that you could come any day, but you weren't ready. I waited and waited, and walked up and down our street daily hoping to go into labor. Cramping was the only thing that seemed to result from all that exercise. Daddy bought momma an exercise ball and insisted I bounce to get things going. Nada. No contractions. Finally my doctor suggested that I be induced.

The night before you were scheduled to arrive momma and daddy din't get any sleep. We restlessly lay awake until 2:30am, when we finally decided to just get up and wait. You kept running through my head. What would you look like? How big would you be? Would you have my lips? My chin? Then on Saturday, June 9th at 7:30am momma and daddy headed to the hospital hand in hand. When we arrived the doctor informed us that we should meet you by dinner time. Things went a little quicker than planned. Our morning went a little like this:

8:00am Started Pitocin to get my contractions going
8:48am Having contractions but didn't even know it
9:17am Dilated 5cm
9:30am Still no contractions
9:47am Water broke
9:52am First contraction
10:11am Wanting an epidural
10:12an Anesthesiology is in surgery
10:26am Epidural
10:44am Epidural not working
10:59am Epidural still not working
11:00am Nurses frantically setting up room
11:03am Your heart rate slowed with every contraction
11:14am Epidural had numbed my right foot
11:15am Started pushing
11:26am Unwrapped the cord from your neck
11:29am There you were, in momma's arms

You definitely made it by dinner, in fact you were there rather unexpectedly by lunch. When I first held you, all I could think is how I had longed for this moment for 9 months, and I didn't want it to end. I didn't want to share you with anyone, I just wanted to snuggle. But the nurses had to take you for a moment to ensure that there was no damage from the cord. When I finally got you back I just kept thinking "You are perfect." Your cheeks were round and soft. I couldn't stop stroking them. You had long curly toes and big puffy lips like daddy. You had momma's hands. And surprisingly you looked a lot like your handsome big brother when he was born. You had thick long auburn hair. Oh that hair, the nurses couldn't get enough of your luscious locks.You were a healthy 9lbs and 2oz, just like Gage. Daddy worries that the competition has already begun. You were 20.5 inches. You were mellow and lovable. perfect.

A month ago today you made my life even more perfect.