Not even a week after you turn one, we find ourselves at the hospital again. Your Auntie Steffy describes it like a murder scene, screams, bloody hand prints, a shirt soaked in blood. Turns out those two little teeth that barely made their way to the surface sliced through your lip upon slamming your face on the edge of the tub. Fortunately the cries were over when I held you, and you seemed happy as can be, no pain. However, the fact that half your lip was dangling off was a little concerning so we made our way to the ER for some stitches.
They gave you a shot of Ketamine to consciously sedate you, and 6 minutes later you drowsy. They numbed you lip with a shot of lidocaine to help with the pain. You immediately started licking your lips and wiping your face. Seeing as the nurse couldn't keep you still enough for anyone to stich up that lip, I hopped onto that table and helped with the pinning. Three stitches was all it took. We waited another hour for your drugs to wear off and we headed home. It was nearly midnight and you had fallen asleep by the time we made it to the parking lot. Fortunately for all of us it only took roughly 72 hours fro your lip to heal.
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