Saturday, July 20, 2013


On May 2nd you took our first steps. It wasn't anything special, just letting go of a cabinet and reaching for my reach int he kitchen. Its more than a month later, and you still prefer to crawl, often with your bum in the air. You only take steps when prompted to walk to momma or daddy.

You LOVE food. You eat everything. You love avocados and quinoa like your momma, and you can't get enough of ice cream and grilled cheese sandwiches like your daddy.

For a whole month you had one little snaggle tooth. Just a few days before you turned one the little tooth next to it came in.

Your favorite toy is a spoon and a cup. It serves two purposes, you pretend to eat and you play music. Who knew i had wasted so much money buying toys?

You like to do everything your brother does. If he gets in the stroller, you have to be in the stroller, if he splashes in the tub, you add to the splash and create a tsunami, and if he grabs a camelbak water bottle, you have to have to same one.

You HATE cold water, only warm pools for you.

You are totally off the bottle, and you only use you binky for bed, or on the rare occasion that Gage finds it and gives it to you.

You have become quite the tantrum thrower. If you don't get what you want, or we in any way try to distract you, you throw your whole body on the ground and scream. Very single minded, and stubborn.

Now that Gage has learned to open the fridge, you have moved from pots and pans in the cupboards to pulling everything off of every shelf in the fridge and bringing it to me with pride.

You have discovered how great going up a slide is.

You say hi to everyone, but you are selective with your waves.

You refuse to keep shoes on, and no matter how tight I tie them, no matter how many knots I put in them, you find a way to pull them off.

You have become an independent, mobile, opinionated little person, that is resembling a baby less and less, and transitioning to a toddler more and more. I expect this to be a great year!

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