Thursday, May 16, 2013


I have never seen anyone one pull off a life jacket so well. Those cheeks makes my heart melt. 

Our first time away from dad, he was sure sad he missed it, but spending time with Nana, Jason  Dana, Amanda and of course David, was so worth it!


I can't even begin to accurately describe how busy you are. To put it best, anyone that spends even a fees hours with you, finds themselves needing a nap following.

You have taken two to three steps on a few occasions while reaching for mama. Most of the time we can walk you around only holding one hand. But you refuse to walk on your own. I think you enjoy letting go of the couch or the table though, I often find you leaning against a wall holding onto nothing.

You love, love, love your aunties and your grandmas, but your uncle David is probably your favorite.

You are totally on table foods. You still like be gables the best. Nana fed you a piece of her asparagus and you had a hey day with it. You still need to eat when anyone else is eating.

You are obsessed with our vents and whenever we get a chance to turn our backs you find a way to remove all of them. We find all sorts of treasures in them, including remote controllers, cameras, dippy cups and even diapers that didn't make it to the garbage.

You started to get your first tooth at the end of this month. Momma was so happy to see it come in since you were whining and gnawing on your fingers for so long.

You have learned to get off of couches by turning around and sliding off feet first. I once caught you trying for three minutes to go down the first step of our stairs but you chickened out every time.

If I am ever missing a slat of our blinds it's a sure bet that you have removed it and most likely shoved it one of three places, the toilet, the vent, or on the occasion I leave my balcony door open, you throw it over the edge. Fortunately Gage is skilled in the art of retrieving items you have chucked.

You love your stroller as long as you are strapped in, but you whine, cry and try to climb out if you are not.

I catch you imitating Gage constantly. If he runs his cars on the track, you want to run your car on the track. If gage yells in the restaurant you yell in the restaurant. Best of all you love to sing, however, we could work on your rhythm, you never seems to match the "wheels on the bus" or "old mcdonald's farm"

I have never slept so deeply or felt so exhausted day in and day out until now. You provide me more joy than ever knew possible. I love you so deeply.


We headed down to St. George earlier this month so daddy could run a big race, and so that mom could get away and see a show in Vegas. you on the other hand got to hang out with grandma and grandpa for a few days. We left at night after daddy's work. In theory we were leaving right around your bedtime, so it made sense that you would sleep the whole way. Never works out the way you think. You played for an hour, cried for an hour, and slept for an hour. Fortunately the drive back was a breeze. It's like you had done it before and knew what you were getting yourself into. The weather was amazing, and playing outside for hours was needed after a short cold spell at home. It was the first time we had been apart since you were born. Getting away for a night was nice, but even a day longer would have been difficult. nothing could beat seeing your squishy body and round face. You made me feel needed when we reunited because for the remainder of the trip I could not be out of sight without you crying. You even came to the bathroom with me because you seemed really concerned whether I would come back or not.


Every night you seem to grow bigger, more mature. I started to pull out summer clothes, and seeing you fit in 18 month pants that I felt like Gage just grew out of absolutely breaks my heart. I'm not ready for you to grow up.

You spit on command, and you laugh about it, you are very skilled.

You like to take objects to your ear and yell "ya" and when I say objects, I mean absolutely anything you can pick up with one hand, it doesn't even even need to resemble a phone, including forks, bottles, and even the occasional hot wheel 

You are still scared to climbed the stairs it normally requires standing a step ahead of you and egging you on while you scream.

We started transitioning you to table foods. You now eat oatmeal for breakfast, some baby meals and puréed fruit and veggies for lunch and you are pretty good at nibbling on anything we are eating for dinner. You are pretty particular when it comes to the baby meals, the pasta texture doesn't seem to bother you, but you will only eat the spaghetti and beef sauce flavor, you literally hit the spoon when it comes near your face if we even dare any other flavor. You still prefer vegetables over fruit. You only take bottles for bedtime.

You sleep from 8pm-8am and take two naps a day. This month has been hard, you prefer to be laid in bed and every day fight harder and harder when I rock you sleep. I'm not ready to give up you falling asleep in my arms.

You started letting go of couches and tables for just a moment at a time and started standing on your own, however, once you realize you are standing, you immediately sit down.

You have become a dream baby to shop with, I wish you could teach Gage a thing or two about sitting still in the cart.

Bathrooms are off limits. You threw three rolls of toilet paper in the toilets in an hour, all in different bathrooms, and we have been forced to keep the bathroom doors shut ever since.

Busy is an understatement. The mess you can create in 30 seconds is beyond me. We have already started singing the clean up song. You are not catching on like I had hoped.

I love being your momma, and I'm so happy on the rare occasion you need me to give you kisses because you smacked your head against yet another inanimate object. You bring so much joy to this family.


Easter Day could not have been a more beautiful day. Since we live in an area where Spring does not exist, rather wont one day and summer the next all the way to June, it was a nice surprise that we woke up to sunshine.

Dad had the day off and joined us at church. You and your brother wore matching button up shirts and black dress pants. Yes, I am that mom that makes her children match, and yes you will probably do the same to your children. its a right of passage kind of thing,  you can blame your Nana, after all she made me wear matching outfits til I was 12 and in Young women's. Dad got a good taste of what our typical sacrament meeting is like. These days there is climbing, crying, snacking, coloring, and not a lot of listening. But hey, we made it there right?!

After church we headed to Grandma Roberts. Believe it or not, the Easter Bunny read our minds and left goodies at the front door for you! You seemed most interested in the card and not so interested in the candy, books, and toys that sweet bunny brought. 

We were really lucky to be joined by your aunt Steffy, Aunt Mana, Uncle David, Cousin Seth, Roomate of cousin Jet, and of course Grandma Roberts. They all watched while you and your brother scavenged the front yard for eggs. By scavenged, I obviously mean that you sat there and we're given an egg or two to drool on and take in and out of your basket. You thought it was awesome.

We spent the remainder of the afternoon making a feast in which you slept entirely through. It was delicious, it's too bad you missed out.

Later, we watched a movie that you got in your basket, while simultaneously destroying grandma's upstairs with fake green grass.

We all stayed up far too late, ate way too much candy, and thoroughly enjoyed the good company. It was a perfect Easter.