Monday, January 14, 2013


(A Christmas sneak peak)

We always start Christmas off on the 24th with your Grandma and Grandpa. Its like your cousins hadn't seen you in years, they wanted nothing more than to make you laugh. Gavin think that squishing your cheeks together is the trick. Following a ham dinner is a Christmas themed message. This year as Grandpa read excerpts from Luke, all the cousins got to open little presents. Each present was a part of the nativity. Next we attempted to do a little musical number with pipes. I say "attempted" because I think everyone in attendance would agree we failed. Next we opened jammies. This is  momma's favorite part, I love new warm jammies on my soft sweet babies. Lastly, we open ornaments. You got your very first snowman ornament to add to your special Christmas tree.

Once we finish our festivities upstairs all the cousins line up and head down stairs to see their stocking and open presents. Its a wild experience, and it becomes more wild the bigger this family gets. You cried a few times because you have a hard time with loud noises, just like momma. Your favorite gift byfar was not even a gift, but the ribbon with a bell on it used to wrap your gift. Go figure!

As expected, you fell asleep on the drive home. You slept surprisingly well despite being very much off your schedule, you made it to 8:30am. You got lots of loves from your daddy while we waited for Gage to get up at 11am. We spent Christmas morning with Nana and Papa. Santa brought you a sit to stand activity table. You and Gage fight for it on a regular basis. Its the one toy you can spend 20 minutes playing without interruption.

We had a yummy omelet bar for brunch and hung out drinking WAY too much juice until it was time to drive North to Great Gma's house. You were welcomed by lots of mommy's cousins who just couldn't believe what a happy baby you were. On the occasion you got tired, Papa was there to bounce you. By midnight you finally were ready to turn in and were over all the excitement.

It was a successful Christmas with lots of food, fun and family.

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