Wednesday, January 16, 2013


You are the best eater. You eat rice cereal or oatmeal for breakfast, and fruit and veggies for lunch and dinner with bottles in between if necessary. You love all food. And when I say "love" I mean "LOVE." Its not uncommon for you to start crying and grab the spoon yourself and shove it in your mouth. Apparently mom and dad are just too slow! You have even started eating finger foods and snacking off mom's plate. The other night we went to a pizzeria for dinner and you contently sat in a high chair chewing on crust for the entire dinner.

Your favorite toy in whole wide world is a blue plastic hammer. Dad calls it your Thor Hammer. You push it around and suck on it, occasionally hit yourself during the course of the whole day.

Remember how I said you were sleeping 8pm-8am? Well, that lasted approximately two weeks. Then we went through a period you started to wake up at 4am yelling until we put your pacifier back in. A few weeks later you were making it til 6am before crying, I would put your pacifier in and you would sleep til 9am. I felt like we were finally making some serious progress, until last week. You started waking up at 3am and again at 5am, never to eat, you just needed attention. The more often I had to go down to get you the more I noticed that it wasn't the pacifier at all. If I was near your bedside you fell back asleep, and if you noticed I had left, you burst into tears. Time for another round of sleep training?

You are always on the move, in a very non traditional way. You can get absolutely anything you want by simply hopping onto your knees and throwing your body out as far as you can and getting back up to start it over. We now have to keep pants on you because your knees got such bad rug burn one day that they started to bleed. You hate being left along, so when I am in the kitchen cooking, its only a matter of minutes before I feel you tugging at my pants for attention.

You fake cry for attention, it sounds kinda like "ya, ya, ya, ya ya!" You fake laugh to be a part of the conversation, it sounds kinda like a miner's cough. And you yell when you are mad, it sounds a lot like "ma, ma, ma, ma ma!"

You no longer use a pacifier during the day, but you like to have it go go to sleep.

You are getting really great at playing by yourself. I sit/stand you in front of your activity table and you bang away for a good 20-30mins unattended. You have not yet figured out how to get from a sitting position to your knees without falling over first, so once you feel your independent playing time is over you start to yell at me to turn you over.

You love electronics. You have even figured out how to do a 4 finger swipe on the iPad and switch to the previous app we were using. This interference causes a lot of problems when you and Gage are watching a show on the iPad. But if I switch the iPad out for a remote controller you seem just fine. You even managed to kill momma's phone by drooling. How you got it in the first place I have no idea. Guess momma better get better at keeping valuable away from you.

Your spitting up has slowed! I say that with excitement. I can't contribute it to baby food, because when we first started you on baby food you were spitting that up too. You still need a bib during most of the day, but I don't need extra outfits for you and me for every outing. I think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

You get shy when anyone comes close and you like to bury your face in my neck. You have started crying when you see me leave the room, but as long as I leave without your eagle eyes on me you will go to anyone and play without noticing I'm gone.

We are loving your sweet personality. You have the roundest cutest head, and these puffy kissable cheeks. You carry all your fat in your thighs, your dad tells you often that you get that from me. Momma and Daddy lie awake at night thinking about how fun you have become and it takes everything we have to not go pick you up out of bed and cuddle you.

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