Saturday, September 15, 2012


Only a month after your well baby checkup and you have already gained another pound, you weigh 15.3lbs and are 24.5 inches tall. You have completely grown out of 3-6 months clothes and fit nicely into your 6-9 month outfits. You eat 4-5 ounces during the day and 6-7 ounces to go to bed. You eat best when you are watching a show, otherwise you get pretty distracted and end up make a mess.

Did you know when you were born you had frog legs? Legs that would stay tucked so close to your body that it was nearly impossible to straighten them to change you. These days its the opposite. No matter how cranky you get, the one thing that will make you happy is to hold onto our fingers, stretch those chubby legs out and stand. You have been known to stand during an entire full length movie without flinching. You're my buff baby.

At three months you talk a lot, and laugh out loud. You blow bubbles and make Gage roll on the floor he thinks its so funny. Your Auntie thinks you always look concerned when you are talking, like you have something really serious to say. With the amount you smile, I don't that's so true. I think you are living up wo the meaning of your name, Happiness.

You hate the car, but don't mind your car seat. Weird, I know. The moment we open the door to get out you stop crying, and you will contently sit, strapped into your car seat until we get back in the car, then it starts all over. Trips to St. George are tough when you cry the whole time.

You sleep 8 hours regularly, and just once when I fed you while you were sleeping you made it 10 hours, it was heavenly! You take three naps a day like clockwork, but you are almost always woken up my your brother, and you a re not a happy camper when that happens. To resolve this issue, and let you get your beauty sleep, I started moving your bassinet into my closet. Its worked. Your afternoon naps are now about 4 hours. You like it best when daddy puts you to sleep. He tucks one of your arms tightly under his, puts a blanket over your eyes, and you doze off nearly immediately. You love him lots.

You LOVE to get your diaper changed. You kick really frantically, laugh, arch your back and try to roll over. You have never peed on me while changing your diaper, which is a miracle, but you have peed  on me twice now hiking. I think you get a little too comfortable in your Bjorn.

You can still rock a faux hawk better than any other baby, but you are losing a lot of your hair in the back the more you roll around. The lighter and lighter it gets the redder and redder it looks. However, I have a feeling you will turn out to be a blondie like your brother.

If you had it your way, you spend all day every day in the bath with your brother. He likes to have a buddy to show all his toys too, and mom loves that neither of her boys will cry while bathing. So, we take a lot of baths!

This month you ventured to St. George with the cousins for some pool time. You had such a blast swimming that fell asleep in the water. You also hiked Mt. Timp, pet some animals at a farm, took a ride on a ski lift at Oktoberfest, and spent a great deal at various parks. You are pretty incredible at falling asleep just about everywhere.

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