Thursday, August 16, 2012


At two months we are experiencing a lot of spit up, nearly 3-4 outfit changes a day, and a countless amount of burp cloths and bibs. You are sleeping seven hours through the night, and as happy as I should be, I still wish it were more! Regardless of how much you had to eat and sleep, you have what we like to call "cranky hour." Its one hour, every evening, normally around dinner time, that you decide to be inconsolable. Once your hour is up, you end your performance with a smile. It can make cooking nearly impossible. You crying makes Gage cry, and next thing I know I and rocking Gage on my hip, bouncing you with my foot, and stirring with the only free limb I have left. You love to have your back patted, and you laugh when I try to sing to you. We think Gage is your favorite person, he can always make you smile. You are a big boy, and are wearing 6 month clothing.The thing momma loves about having a squishy, irresistibly cute baby that is two months, is the fact she can pack you up and haul you anywhere and everywhere. At two months we ventured to the zoo, various waterparks, a family fun center, St. George, and we even squeezed in a trip to Bear Lake. Again, you slept through most of it. But on the off occasion you were not sleeping, you started smiling, laughing, and talking. You have lots to say when you are awake. Most of it consists of "whoooo, whooooo." And to be truthful, I am not entirely sure whom the "whoooo" is you are talking about. Loving this age. You are my favorite cuddler. 

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