Friday, March 22, 2013


Up until a month ago I was doing pretty good at keeping your pacifiers hidden during the day. Up until a month ago, you only needed a pacifier to go to sleep. Up until a month ago, I thought weening you off a pacifier at 1 year was going to be cake.

And then you found my stash.

You now want a pacifier at all times, mostly to chew on the side of your mouth. You have even learned to laugh, cry, cough, and even sneeze keeping that bad boy in. You are so advanced.

I think I have it in for myself when it comes to weening time!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


You met with Dr. Schmidt again. For the first time since birth you were less than the 80th-90th percentile. You are 20lbs 4oz and 28.5 inches long, the 50th percentile. Makes sense why you haven't outgrown your clothes for a couple months.

You prefer vegetables over fruit. It makes me smile. We also have you eating lots of table foods. Nearly everything we eat, you munch away at too. However, you have not yet grasp the concept that you are only supposed to eat the food on your plate. I catch you stealing from your brother, sometimes it makes him cry.

You are busy. Very busy. And fast. In the time it takes to run to my bathroom to grab a hair tie, you will have pulled every single pot and pan out of my cupboard. Lots of moms ask me why I don't just put lock on my cupboards  First, I hate child locks. Second, I like to think I can just teach you not to get into too much trouble, after all I don't leave anything that could harm you in cupboards you can reach. Last, I think it pretty cute when I find you sitting in my pans.

You only whine for mom. Everyone else is pretty convinced you are as happy as it gets. When you dont get what you want you yell.

You are still sleeping 7:30pm-8am. Its pretty awesome. You wont let dad rock you to sleep anymore, you prefer when he just rests your head on your pillow. I like to think you know all the rocking is momma's favorite time of day and you save it for me.

You don't just crawl, you sprint. And you pull yourself up on everything, and walk along anything, including other children.

You love playing in the toilet.

You and Gage have become best friends. You like it when he takes your hands and drags you from room to room or when he lays on top of you and says "wrestle." I catch you two holding hands int he car. You are great at giving Gage a sympathy laugh when he tries to tickle you.

You jump when you get excited. Every morning I find you standing in your crib yelling and the moment I open the door you throw your body into the side of the crib ad reach. When Your aunties took you out for frozen yogurt you jumped in between every single bite eager for the next.

Your hair is getting blonder and blonder, and your eyes bluer and bluer.

You got your first diaper rash this month. Probably because you have become a real pooping machine. You have pooped in the middle of the night all week long. And every other hour during the day. I am hoping you grow out of this.

As long as Gage is not around to sit on you, you are a total momma's boy. I love it.


caught you climbing up the stairs today. You were crying because after making it up four stair you weren't quite sure how to get back down. Turns out you are afraid of heights and loud noises.