Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Its official, you are THE happiest 'lil guy alive.

You think Gage is the funniest person alive and you laugh just watching him.You just like to be close to him. I often catch you rolling or skooching just to be within touching distance. I wish he adored you the same way you adore him. I thinks he still forgets you are there until you kick him.

You often begin to hyperventilate when you see your bottle. Your breath  quicken immediately and you start shaking until it is close enough to ferociously attack. We are teaching you to hold the bottle by yourself. Everyone agrees you are difficult to feed because you wiggle so much, so we are ready for you to take over that responsibility!

You love to be held. ALL. THE. TIME.

You now share a room with your brother. I am blown away how much the two of you can sleep through. If Gage isn't roaring then you are screaming, and yet neither of you seem to wake the other up. The monitors have officially been turned off so mom can get some decent sleep.

You eat 8oz every 3 hours and take three long naps a day like clockwork. To mix things up, we started feeding you rice cereal for dinner. You eat it like a champ, and never put up a fight, even if it takes twice as long to feed you by spoon opposed to bottle.

You sleep 10pm - 7am. However you like to yell, not cry, but yell around 3am nearly every night. I think its because you feel lonely being awake by yourself. All it normally takes is momma or daddy sitting by your bedside for a minute or two and you are back to sleep. No loves, or kisses, or even food, just our presence puts you back to sleep.

You are getting much better at sitting up, and can make it a full 5 seconds before toppling over.

Gage taught you to squeal like an elephant. Most days I have two happy screeching boys. If you didn't see it for yourself you would think I was torturing the two of you all day long.

You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE being naked. Seems to be a trend in this family.

You have mastered escaping your swaddler. Its a talent I can't wrap my head around since its more of a straight jacket than a swaddle blanket. And yet every morning we find your arms free.

You love it when I sing to you, it makes me want to learn more songs so you don't just hear the same 3 songs over and over and over.

Loving this age, wishing you would never grow up.

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