Tuesday, October 16, 2012


The night following your 4 month birthday you slept a full 12 hours. Sadly, I blame the shots you got earlier that day, that caused the fever, that caused the tantrums, that lead to the exhausting evening leading up to bed time. I say this, because you haven't slept more than 8 hours since. Its not all that bad though, you typically go down at 8pm, sleep til 4am, eat, and sleep again until 10am. If I am lucky and Gage decides to sleep in too, all three of us will sleep til 10am. We have it so rough don't we?!?

At four months you weigh 16lbs even and are 26in long. You eat 6oz during the day and 8oz to go to bed.

You love to grab your toes and roll on your back from side to side. You have not quite rolled completely over, but that doesn't mean you are not moving. When lying on the ground you spin. Your feet shuffle turning your body in circles.

Your favorite toy is still your snugly giraffe. You also love your floor mat and the deflated ball that hangs right in front of your face that is so easy to grab.

You are VERY strong, and can hold your own weight when momma or daddy lift you by your hands. You are great at tummy time and have mastered a perfect Shamu pose, you know the one, where you arch your back and lift your feet and head and balance on that round tummy.

You hate being left alone.

You LOVE your aunties. Over conference weekend it only took a minute or two in their arms and you were gone, past out asleep on their shoulders for several hours. When momma and daddy tried the same technique to get you to sleep it only made you mad.

You can put your pacifier back in, as long as your grabby hands were the ones to take it out in the first place. If by chance you lose your pacifier on accident, any other object in reaching distance will do. This includes blankets, a pillow, rattles, stuffed animals, even a towel once. If no object can be found in reaching distance, you LOVE to suck on two fingers.

You can drool through multiple bibs a day.

You think the baby einstein movies are soothing

If you had it your way you would be held all day every day. Sadly, you don't, and you are pretty quick to realize it after getting no attention for whining.

You are a ferocious little kicker when both happy and mad. In the bath you can soak the entire floor with all your splashing. I have to say, I am pretty impressed with Gage's patience in the tub, after all, he is the one you are kicking the whole time.

I am amazed how alert and interactive you are. Every one tells me that you are the happiest baby they have ever seen, and I would like to agree. It makes being your momma so fun. I love that you prefer to nap in my arms, and I love the occasions that I can take the time to let you. Part of me wishes I could keep you this size forever, but then I remember how many fun times we have ahead. Keep being your happy self and I will keep enjoying every second.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


You don't wear clothes anymore. And by "you don't" i mean "you can't" as in you are "not allowed." Momma got sick of changing you, bathing you, and washing your clothes. You have what we like to call, a leaky faucet. What goes in your round belly slowly comes out over the course of the next three hours until you eat again. That means 6-8 oz of regurgitated formula slowly spewing on yourself, and others, all day around the clock.  We cannot for the life of us understand how you are gaining so much weight. These smiles make me think you are enjoying the freedom, so nude it is!